Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Essence of Consciousness

 Excerpt from my Author's blog at: https://www.michaelkoyoti.com/blog/essence-of-consciousness

"..  In my book Is-Ness, I describe the essence of consciousness as experiencing only the present instance in time from a dimensionless point in space. From this singularity of presence our self awareness manifests as mind and body. This description is echoed in ancient wisdom, spanning Shamanism, Buddhism, the Vedic tradition, Sufism and, I believe, the teachings of Jesus. But, how do we describe this to those who have no knowledge or experience in any of these traditions?

I like the analogy of a whirlpool vortex in a vast ocean. The vortex exists due to a singular point on the ocean floor which draws water from the ocean. A whirlpool is sustained as long as the singular hole in the ocean can sustain the flow of water through it.

Without the singularity, there is only the vast, calm ocean, or empty space. The whirlpool itself is formed from the ocean water. We see this phenomenon at the atomic level. Atoms exist as a field vortex in space. Remove the singularity that powers the vortex and the field collapses into empty space.

In our universe, space is clearly not empty. Some call it a fabric of time-space, scientists of previous eras call it Aether, which behaves like a multi-dimensional super fluid. It is what electromagnetic fields propagate through. A singularity created in Aether taps into an infinite source of energy beyond our 3 dimension time-space existence to establish sustainable field vortexes of particles and atoms. Consider a fixed magnet that exhibits a sustained magnetic field. Yet, at the center of the magnet, there is no magnetic field at all. Out of a calm motionless center, spews a vortex of electrical field energy that flows continuously throughout the magnetic material to create a magnetic field, a magnetic dipole with opposing north and south poles separated by a two dimensional structure extending from the center singularity of a magnet.

Ancient inquirers, exploring human consciousness discovered the same dimensionless presence in our consciousness. It does not experience linear time, but only exists in the moment. It has no emotions or thoughts. It only “is”. ..."